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Google Discover: Why it Matters and How to Optimize Content for Discover Feed?

Google Discover: Why it Matters and How to Optimize Content for Discover Feed?

With the expansion of the internet presence of the leading businesses has emerged newer platforms for marketing, with one of the most lucrative ones being google discover. Having a digital marketer who knows their way around the platform in your roster is a godsend in the era of the World Wide Web.  

In this blog, we discuss the various ways to optimize for google discover.

Toronto Local SEO Company

While, there are no set rules for how to go about, we have a structure which enables to bring out the maximum benefits of the platform.

#1. Content Improvisation

This might not come across as a shocker in all fairness but we still cannot emphasise enough on the importance of good quality content. Having exceptionally well written and presented content helps in attraction and retention of the audience you’re looking to cater to.

#2. Utilization of visuals

Visual part of our brain stimulates us more and that is a fact. Having professional, aesthetic and high quality visuals can be a game changer for the visibility as it works better for Google Discover Cards.

With well written content, you need to have visual stimulation as well so make sure you’re spicing things up in that area.

#3. Videos!

Your Google Discover Feed needs visuals as discussed above and short videos or relevant videos are a perfect way to elevate your content and visibility on the platform. Take the top performing blogs and turn them into videos with exciting delivery styles.

Create a perfect balance of entertainment and education. Hire professionals or become professionals yourself! With Google Discover, you’re sure to achiever heights you’ve thought of and higher.

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